Friday, January 20, 2012

You've Got Mail

You've Got Mail is one of my all-time favorite movies. If you haven't seen it, you really need to close this blog and add it to your Netflix queue or go pick it up from your nearest Blockbuster if you can find one. There are several reasons why it's my favorite movie, but the main reason has to be the underlying theme. You see, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are email and IM "pen pals" throughout the whole movie and never know the others true identity. The funny thing is that in real life, they actually know each other and have a love/hate relationship for most of the movie-- not knowing that the other person is who they are really falling in love with online. Spoiler alert. At the end of the movie, they agree to meet in a beautiful garden. Meg Ryan is standing all alone until she sees Tom Hanks round the corner. She runs up to him and says "I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly!" During most of the movie, what I'm thinking and what I really wish I could scream through my TV at Meg Ryan is "Just wait until the end! I promise, it will be great and worth it and you will get what your heart desires. You can't see it yet, but I can- because I know the whole story."

I think that is exactly what God is trying to tell me right now... really what He's trying to tell any of us that's been dealt more than we can handle right now. "Just wait until the end. I promise, it will be great and worth it and you will get what your heart desires. You can't see it yet, but I can- because I know the whole story." When we are so consumed by our own storms, we can't see the clouds clearing over the horizon because we're just trying to stay afloat. It's during this time, that I am very thankful for friends and family that are able to see the horizon even if I can't. It's by their prayers and their emails and texts and I can trust that God is at work through it all.

One reason that I know God is at work actually occurred to me during a conversation with one of my patient's moms. She said "I don't see his illness as being a bad thing anymore. He has made more of an impact and touched more lives in his 4 years of living than I have in my entire life".  My previous post Broken but Hopeful had over 200 views in 24 hours. The only other post to reach that number was this one. Though I would have never chosen these life happenings, I've reached more people in the past year of my life than I have in the 24 leading up to it. My prayer is that I can continue to be an encouragement and use my words to bring comfort and peace even when I have a hard time finding it myself. I know my babies are with Jesus... I just pray daily that I can use their story... my story... to point others to Him as well.

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