Monday, October 8, 2018



It is so hard to believe that our little tiny NICU baby is now five years old. Finn, there are just not enough words to describe how much joy you bring our family. You are sweet and spunky and compassionate and fiery. You work your absolute hardest at everything you do. You love hard and play harder. You are the leader of our little cub pack and your brothers adore you.

You pack a big personality into such a little body. You're 38lbs and 39in and wear a size 9 (toddler) shoe. 

Your work ethic rivals most adults I know. I'll let you go play outside by yourself sometimes while I get your brothers ready and I'll watch you out the window. You'll rake the leaves, sweep the driveways, and check the mail all on your own initiative. Once your "work" is done, you'll throw your little golf bag over your shoulders and head to the top of the driveway to start hitting golf balls.

You love playing on your soccer team. It's a pre-k/kindergarten league that practices and plays on Saturday mornings, but in your mind it may as well be the World Cup. You give it all you have every game and you're getting pretty good too. What I'm most proud of you for is that you're the first one to check on a teammate when they fall down- on either team.

You are fearless which is equally exciting and terrifying. You're not afraid to try new things and meet new people. You are our little extrovert and love people so well. You are strong-willed which is challenging to harness, but I know it will take you very far in life.

You do the right thing- even if it means making mommy pick up "litter" in the parking lot and find the nearest trash can because "we don't litter in our family".

You love your friends. You pray for them at bedtime and say good-bye to them by name in the parking lot after school.

You are our little feeler and are very aware of your feelings and how you're making others feel. This is what I pray carries you through school and through life. Yes, we want to you be smart- but even more than that, we want you to be kind. We pray that you know the love of Jesus and can show it to everyone you are ever eyeball to eyeball with.

At the beginning of this school year, I asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up and you said "fireman sports player". That sums you up perfectly. You are adventurous. You love helping others. You love having fun and working hard.

We just love you to pieces and are couldn't be more proud of you!

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