Friday, September 14, 2018

Eleven Months

Baby Jude! I'm barely getting this up here before you turn a whole year, but you are still in fact 11 months! You are a full on mover, shaker, dancer, clapper, belly laugher who loves to rough house with your brothers and daddy. Ryder rolls around on the floor with you and you think it's just the most fun ever. You love when we're holding you and we dip you backwards so you're upside down. After we do it, we usually have to watch out because you'll throw yourself back trying to do it again.

You pull up and scoot along everything. You've even stood a couple times without holding onto something when you take a break to clap. You wave at everything and love to dance. You're in one of my most favorite baby stages- the involuntary baby bounce dancing stage. You just start bouncing and twisting anytime you hear music- the car, the grocery store, outside, anywhere.

You get your feelings hurt if your daddy takes your brothers outside to play without you because you want to be included. You also get your feelings hurt if we walk out of the room or if your brothers stop playing with you. You do this sad silent pouty face that turns into a full on scream.

You love to sleep and love going down for naps and bed at night. You're practically already trying to roll over on your belly before we can even place you down in your bed. You do not love Wed and Thurs as those are the days that Finn goes to school until 1:30, so you don't see your bed until after 2.

You love to eat, but are starting to show your preferences very strongly. I am fighting this pickiness as much as possible, because I already have a 3 yr old that will only eat pancakes and peanut butter and jelly- even if it means letting you cry because I put the broccoli on your tray first.

We've made it a whole month without another ear infection, but we've also made it a whole month without you catching a cold.

You recently scared us when you woke up from your nap covered in hives. We were in Clemson visiting Oma and Opa's new house and you ended up covered in hives within a matter of an hour and a half. We took a trip to urgent care and still don't know why. We may never know, but we are going to schedule allergy testing at your one year appointment.

Because of this, I know you're up to 20lbs. You're in size 12-18 mo clothing, but most of it has already been through your brothers and is probably not true to size.

You have 6 teeth and just the longest wispiest hair with a couple curls in the back. If you were a girl, you would absolutely need a bow at all times so I should probably get it cut soon.

We just love you to pieces, our little squish! We can hardly believe we get to celebrate your first birthday next week!

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