Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Five Months

Our sweet baby Jude, We have now entered what I like to call the "happy baby phase".  It lasts from approximately now until those pesky teeth start to appear, so probably just days. You are sleeping well at night and happy during the day. You're trying new foods. You found your toes and still cannot get enough of sucking on your fists. You love to eat. So much so that I've introduced formula in addition to nursing and you're  taking it like a champ. I'm pretty sure that even if you were our first and I was able to structure our days around you and sit around and feed you all day long, I'd still be introducing formula by now. Right now your (on a perfect day) schedule looks like this:

8AM- breakfast
8:30AM- nap
10AM- nursing plus 4oz bottle
11:30AM- nap if we're home
1PM-nursing plus 4oz bottle
1:30PM- nap
4PM- 6oz bottle
5:30PM- dinner
7PM- 6-8oz bottle
7:30- bedtime

You're rolling all over the floor. I sometimes forget this and will leave you on your play mat while I'm dealing with your brothers and will come back down to find you partially wedged under the chair. Now, I put you in the excersaucer when I have to leave the room. Just like your brothers, you've decided that you'd rather be a belly or side sleeper. We put you down on your back and you immediately roll over to settle in for the night.

So far you've tried squash, avocado and brown rice cereal. You seem to be a fan of all of them. Your "meals" are still only when it's convenient now so you don't always get a breakfast, lunch or dinner. You have tried peanut butter and scrambled eggs with no problems, so I'm counting that as a win.

We don't go back to the doctor until 6mos. for a check-up, but I'd guess you're around 15lbs. You're in size 6-9mo clothing and size 3 diapers.

You have the most infectious little belly laugh and your brothers bring it out of you the best. You are just smitten with them and think they are the most fun. Good thing too, because I have on occasion found Ryder trying to drag you across the floor by your leg. All the while you're just smiling away.

You started using your doorway jumper this month and love to jump just like your brothers did. I've had to remind them that it is not in fact a slingshot and no they cannot spin you like a tire swing. Other than that, it's been going well.

We love you to pieces baby Jude!


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