Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Six Months

Sweet baby Jude, we are officially halfway through your first trip around the sun. I feel like the newborn days are such a blur, especially when they're tossed in the mix of preschool and play dates for your older brothers. Now is when I'd like for time to slow down.

You are sleeping and eating like a champ. You still do not have any teeth, so you're literally happy all the time. There are many mornings when I put you in your high chair for breakfast, but don't get around to actually giving you breakfast for another 30 minutes and you just sit there smiling and watching your brothers. You are obsessed with them. You turn your head and watch them wherever they go with the sweetest little expression that seems to say "you guys are so fun! I want to play!" Some times they come on a little strong- especially the blonde one- and you let them know that too. They are both pretty obsessed with you too and I can already see the sweetest bond growing between my three little musketeers.

You sleep from 7pm-7am and get a consistent afternoon nap everyday. Your morning and mid-day naps are less that regular since we're on the go so much, but you don't seem to mind. You are a great stroller or car seat sleeper and for that we are thankful! You are a hungry boy- maybe even our biggest eater yet. We've switched you completely to formula thanks to mommy coming down with a stomach bug awhile ago that knocked out most of my supply, but you don't mind one bit. You're taking four 6oz. bottles each day with an 8oz. bedtime bottle since you're still just eating meals to "try new foods". Eventually, I'm hoping to get you down to 4 bottles/day like Finn used to take.

You are rolling all over the place. Literally. I'll put you on your play mat and walk into another room and come back to find you've rolled yourself a good 6-7 feet away from it. I now put you in your excersaucer when I have to leave the room. You love to jump in your doorway jumper. You love being outside and watching your brothers ride bikes and kick soccer balls.

You still give the biggest, gummiest, open mouth smiles and we love it.

You're eating breakfast and dinner and lunch when it's convenient.

You love grabbing toys and looking at books.

You celebrated your first Easter and your basket may have been filled with toys we already have. I promise to get you new things when you're old enough to actually realize it. For now, we're busting at the seams with boy toys and clothing.

You are up to 17.9lbs and 27.75in which puts you right in the 50% for both, but you are anything but average sweet boy. We love you and your round little head and your big gummy smiles, baby Jude!

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