Saturday, July 23, 2016

Summer Catch-up

Hey, look who blogged! That is how it feels these days. When I find myself telling people I have two boys- ages 1 and 2, they sort of give me a half puzzled half empathetic look and usually say something like "Oh, well you must have your hands full!" While, my hands are certainly full (literally most days) so is my heart. These sweet boys love their mommy and I'm a pretty big fan of theirs too. But in all honesty, having a one a two year old is just as busy as it sounds. Hence the intermittent blog hiatus. Nonetheless, I have been able to snap a few pics here and there over the past few months, so here is a look at what we've been up to lately. Also there's a good chance, some of these pics could be repeat from previous posts, but I don't have time to go back and check. Chances are- if I don't remember, you won't either :)

We've spent some time at the pool.

Early in the summer, we went strawberry picking and Ryder really only cared for the animals.

Finn's been busy on these summer nights doing yard work. Also known as this kid's dreamworld.

Sweet boy has had some asthma flare ups with colds, but it doesn't slow him down.

And Ryder is getting "so big"

Mom came to town to help with the boys while Dustin was in Haiti for a week.

And these boys couldn't get enough of their daddy when he got home. I love how proud Finn looks in this picture.

We try to eat outdoor as much as possible, because it makes for less food to clean off of our floors and walls. Finn's a huge fan. Ryder's undecided.

Ryder got tubes in his ears and while he did not like it at all- we're hoping it'll make him a much happier camper to not get a double ear infection every time he gets a cold. 

We go to Food Truck Tuesdays at a park near our house. Also known as more eating outdoors.

The boys and I go to storytime once a week, because it's air conditioned. 

And we've had some playdates with our friends. 

This baby boy got his first haircut.

And this one got his 1,000th it seems.

And he aged about 9 months in a matter of minutes.

And this one aged about 13 years.

Ryder now loves to be outside just as much as his brother.

We headed up to the pool for the 4th of July.

We've gone on a couple two on one doughnut dates. Also known as eating anywhere but home.

And park picnics. More eating outside of home.

Dustin and I were able to escape for a date night!

We participated in cow appreciation day at CFA. We'll do anything for free food. 

And more eating outside of the house.

Finn found Dustin's dad's old guitar and this has now become a nightly routine. His biological side of the family is incredibly talented when it comes to music (us not so much) and so far he's taken a huge interest in it. He names instruments when he hears them in songs and wants to play them all. 

This big boy turned 16 months old.

Zoo trips are always better with friends.

And Ryder still wakes up by about 5:30 everyday.

So that about sums up everything we've been up to for the past couple months. We also too a family beach trip with Dustin's side of the family down to Seagrove Beach back in June, but there is an entirely separate post for that. As much as I love the beach, pool and popsicles outside, I'm ready for summer to move along. Give me all the pumpkins, leaves, scarves and cool temps. We may have another 3 months until we see those in Georgia, but pumpkins usually make their appearance in our house around Labor Day.
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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Fifteen Months

Our sweet baby boy turned 15 months on June 19th, so I'm just happy to get this post up before he's 16 months. Ryder, you are a walking, talking toddler baby now! I refuse to not call you the baby. You love to eat and really dislike not eating if you're hungry (sorry, you get that from mommy). You're a great sleeper and would be ready for bed at 5pm. You still enjoy waking up between 5:30 and 6AM regardless of what time you go to bed, so some nights you are in fact in bed between 6 and 6:30. You are taking right after your big brother and love to be outside. You will get your feelings hurt in the worst way if daddy takes Finn outside and not you, so most afternoons are spent playing with Finn and daddy in the driveway. Now that you can walk, you want so badly to keep up with Finn, but still don't quite understand why you can't run as fast. You can say "mama", "dada", "truck", "uh-oh", "this", "that", "milk", "hi" and probably a few other words that I can't remember. You still are pretty obsessed with all things relating to Finn- eating together, riding in the car together, playing, bath time and bed time together. You love dogs and make the sweetest little squeal every time you see one- no matter how far away it is. You love stuffed animals and especially love snuggling them, biting them and carrying them around. 

You're still our tiny little peanut at just over 19lbs (10th %) and 30.75" (25th %), but your personality makes up for your size. You love wrestling and when daddy throws you up in the air. You love dancing, bouncing and doing your signature dance move- the shoulder shimmy.

You got a lot of traits from your mommy- including my ears. After your 6th double ear infection, you finally got tubes. You sailed right through it without missing a beat and were back to playing by that afternoon.

We love you to pieces, sweet boy and are so thankful we get to call your ours! Your belly laugh is infectious and your wide toothy grin always puts a smile on our faces.

Here are some pics from the past three months...

Master's Sunday
I believe this was your 4th or 5th ear infection.

You bite all the stuffed animals. Even the dirty ones on the shelves at Trader Joe's.

Wearing your daddy's old outfit on Mother's Day.
You've upgraded to your big boy car seat!

Your first trip to the pool this summer.

"How big is Ryder?!" "SO BIG!"
So thankful you won't remember getting tubes in your ears.
Your first storytime being able to participate like brother.

Playdates with friends!
You got your first haircut!

And Finn got his cool new summer style.

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