
Saturday, December 31, 2016

So long, Farewell

2016 was a good year for our little family. As I think back over the year, I smile at all the things we've done and the many ways God has blessed us this year. We've had many years that were overwhelmed by sadness and uncertainty, but 2016 was mostly a high note through and through and for that we are grateful. Here are some of the highlights.

We celebrated this sweet boy's first birthday.

After eight years, Dustin left his job with KLife and joined on staff with our church, Buckhead Church as a Men's Director. We are so thankful for how KLife has blessed both Dustin professionally and our family personally over the past eight years. We are thankful to still be in Atlanta where those friendships continue.

We spent a week at Seagrove Beach with Dustin's extended family from Texas.

Finn started his very first school and has loved every bit of it.

We celebrated Finn's 3rd Birthday with a soccer party.

We took a couple trips to Clemson to cheer on our Tigers.

We got to experience a lot of Halloween fun with some party animals.

We spent a week in South Carolina for Thanksgiving.

And we celebrated big time this Christmas season.

We rang in 2016 with a Clemson win and a trip to the National Championship game. Here's to hoping 2017 starts out just the same way. We have a lot of exciting things on tap for our family this next year, but mostly we want to love God and love others well and enjoy this crazy season of life. Cheers to a brand New Year, friends.
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Monday, December 26, 2016

That's a Wrap

And just like that all the cookies have been eaten, the tree needles are piling up and the lights are starting to burn out. We have celebrated to the max this Christmas season and it has been so. much. fun. The boys are at such sweet ages where everything we did was just about the best thing ever. Considering last year, we were in the hospital for five whole days over Christmas with Finn and then I spent my 30th birthday squeezed in the backseat middle of a less than standard rental car between the boys' car seats for the duration of a 15 hour drive home from TX-- sick myself, we figured we could only go up this year. This Christmas certainly did not disappoint. Here are the remaining pics of the past couple weeks.
We partied at Finn's preschool party.

We drove around in our pj's and looked at lights. Sorry Ryder, maybe you'll be facing forward by next year so you can see more than just tree tops.
We pretty much spent the whole month in Christmas pj's.
We celebrated with Dustin's side of the family in South Carolina. Somehow these were the best pics we got of all 8 kids.

We took multiple trips to Target and Costco just to look at Christmas decorations when it was too cold to do anything outside. On one trip, Finn said "stop the cart mommy! I have to dance!"

Dustin has his grandfather's old Santa suit and for the past few years, he comes home in it to surprise the boys.  This year, Finn loved it and Ryder is still undecided.

 My parents came to town for the weekend of Christmas and we went to Stone Mountain on Friday. Ryder was less than thrilled to be held.

 At least Ryder's consistent.
 On Christmas Eve morning, we made birthday cake for Jesus. And also here is proof that Ryder does in fact smile.

 Then we headed to our newly renovated playground which could also double as an American Ninja Warrior course. Seriously, it's three stories high. This boy is fearless. Mama, not so much.
 After naps, we met daddy at church for Christmas Eve service.

 Santa came! The boys are absolutely obsessed with playing with kitchens at their friends' houses, church, school, etc. so we knew this would be perfect for this year. Santa also got this boy-colored kitchen at a consignment sale back in September. Win. Win.

 It did not disappoint.

 Our happy little elves after a fun full Christmas season.
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