Sunday, April 22, 2018


We are well into Spring around here (I think). It's 38 degrees outside at the moment. Regardless of the 40 degree range in temperature, we have already been spending a lot of time outside. Finn started playing soccer at a school near our house. He loves it and we love watching him play. We've spent a lot of time playground hopping and had some fun play dates with friends. There are only a couple more weeks of school and I've already started my beach packing list in my phone so I can see summer peaking at us around the corner. Here is a look at what we've been up to recently.

 On Thursdays, after taking Finn to school, the younger buddies and I would head to music class. When we show up early, this one gets a snack in the car.
 After music class, we supervise these two on weekly lunch dates.
 We've had a couple trips to the doctor's office for ear checks now that his tubes are out. Besides the one raging ear infection the week after they fell out, we haven't had any- so hoping it stays that way.
 Our neighborhood hosts an Easter egg hunt for all of the kids.

 This kid's smile is seriously one of my favorite things about him.
 Easter service at church.
 Easter morning in Christmas pj's.

 Jude's first Easter!

 This sweet dream baby is just so content to sit in his stroller on trips to the playground- sometimes for 2+ hours and will just watch his brothers until he falls asleep.

 I love this picture so much. Inherited friendships are the best kind and these buddies are just the sweetest.

 Some of our very best friends came to town to join in on the crazy for the weekend. If only we could get them to stay.
 Master's Sunday at church.

 Visiting the Nature Center near our house.

 "Hey mom, want to hear my song??" Always buddy. Always.

 Dustin's parents are selling their family home in Aiken so the Oprea kids gifted them with a family photo session with the house in the background before they move.

 Jelly beans bribes for days.

 So much love on this blanket.

One of the biggest accomplishments around our house this year has been that Finn learned to ride his bike without training wheels! He'd go so fast even with them, that they barely touched the ground anyway, so we took them off and he hasn't looked back!

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