
Saturday, November 2, 2019


This boy right here who made me a mommy turned 6. We literally just blinked and he went from being a tiny NICU baby to a kindergartner overnight.

Finn, you are smart. You love to learn and remind me when it's time to do your spelling words. You are in a competition with yourself to see how quickly you can learn them. Which brings me to the next one, you are competitive. You want to be the fastest, the strongest, the best. This drives you to be the hardest worker I know. You ask to go outside and hit golf balls, ride your bike, or do yard work.

You are kind. You're a good friend and quite possibly my favorite trait- you're an includer. You ask 3 friends to sit with you at the parents' table when you're only supposed to have 1. When we eat lunch with you at school,  just about every third kids says "hi" to you in the cafeteria and you call them your friends. You ask people what their names are and you remember them. You remember everything. We call you a sponge and a steel trap.

You love soccer. Your Saturday morning kindergarten league may as well be the World Cup because of the amount of effort you give.

You love Legos. You can build a set for an 8 year old within an hour. What's even more surprising is that you'll focus on it for that long. If there aren't instructions- you build whatever you want.

You love super heroes. All of them. You love reading about them, dressing up like them, and reenacting them with our brothers.

We love you so much and are so proud of you!

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Well hello, friends!

Yes, the blog still exists but between being a mom of three and running my own business from home in all my "free" time, it sits quietly in the backseat. But nonetheless, I want to keep it up as a virtual baby book for my own reference.

Our sweet, Jude Weldon turned TWO last month! Three letters describe you- FUN. You are so much fun! You are sweet, spunky, full of giggles, and full of energy. You want to do everything your brothers do. You love playing outside and get frustrated because you can't ride a big bike. You get offended if your brothers get to do anything that you can't. You love playing with cars and legos and things that your brothers would've never played with at two. You love animals- especially "pup pups". You love growling like a tiger and roaring like a lion. You smile with your tongue out and it's the cutest.

You're 24lbs and 32in which puts you just under the 50% for both. You're wearing size 24 mos - 2T shirts and 12-18mos pants. You are just the sweetest and squishiest.

You love snuggling and wrestling and dancing. You're learning what it looks like to play during the day while your brothers are at school. Unfortunately, this means you're in the car for awhile but you don't seem to mind. In typical third baby fashion, your naps are less than regular but you don't seem to mind.

We love you to pieces, sweet boy and can't imagine our family without you in it!

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