
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, friends! Spring is just hopping right by us (see what I did there), and we have been busy in the best way. We've been strawberry picking, Masters partying and Easter celebrating. Here are some pics from the past couple weeks.

It was freezing the day we ended up being able to go to the strawberry farm.

 This picture makes me laugh so hard, because we always joke that Ryder has Dustin's forehead and the wind proves it here.

 Literally the very next day we were back in shorts for a Master's party with some friends.

 "I'm wearing my hat backwards like my daddy"

 Finn's class had a little Easter egg hunt and party and this ended up being the only pic I got.
 We spent about 36 hours in Aiken, but we managed to squeeze in some time to see some horses.

 Nonna with the boys
 Pop waiting for a push

 The sweet cousins are only 7 weeks apart in age and it makes me so happy to watch them grow up together.

 The boy cousins- hard to believe we'll have two more by the end of this year!

 Nonna and Oma going over the rules for the Easter egg hunt.

 Ryder started filling other people's bags once his was full.

 After a morning of seeing horses, eating Chick Fil A, playing outside and an Easter egg hunt, this one wanted me to lie down for him for nap and this was 3 minutes after he was in bed. Also worth mentioning, Finn is super attached to his sleep sack and that may be the hardest thing to get rid of once he gets his big boy bed this summer. If we didn't need his crib for new baby brother, he might stay in a crib until kindergarten. For. Real.
 Easter morning before church!

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Party of Five

Three boys. Yep, you read this right. Baby boy #3 will join our crazy crew this Fall and we couldn't be more excited! I had this post ready to go yesterday, but then realized it might look like the cruelest April fools joke ever. But this is no joke, friends, our littlest teammate will be here this Fall and his big brothers are pumped for his arrival. We can't wait to meet him!

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