
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

First Day of School

Our sweet big boy started school today! Because he has a late birthday, he is in a two year old class even though he's turning three in a few weeks. Finn is just about the most welcoming, outgoing little guy around, so we knew he would just love it and we were not disappointed! He walked right into his classroom, put his bag away and got straight to work! When i picked him up this afternoon, his teacher told me "He was great! He made himself right at home- took his shoes and socks off and everything." In the car on the way home, he just talked the whole time about his new friends. He only has school two days a week, but I'm pretty sure he'd go everyday if we let him!

Meanwhile, this morning I got the most quality time with this sweet one since he's been born.

Since the blog has been on a bit of a hiatus- because two toddlers- here is a quick photo recap of the last few weeks of summer. Our days have been filled with a lot of errands, trips to the playground, zoo and play dates with friends.

Finn loves Costco, because he can sit next to "Yower" and "give him hugs". Also the hot dogs.

Forgetting pants for Ryder at the splash pad. #secondchildproblems

Visiting daddy's new office at church.

Our nephews joined us for a trip to the zoo while their big sisters went to six flags.

I absolutely love watching these two grow up together (just not too fast).

Ryder's still a fan of the train.

Like father like son.

We celebrated our buddy Ryan's birthday with cupcakes.

Finn loves holding Ryder's hand and walking him into church now.

Ryder still loves waking up by 5:30.

And then is done for the day by 4.

Trip to the train museum. #boymom

They're pretty inseparable. 

We rounded out our last weekend of the summer celebrating our sweet friend, Nora's first birthday.

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