
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ten Months

Blogging has definitely taken a backseat to being a camp director and most importantly a mommy this summer. I knew that my posts would be sporadic, but I also knew that I wanted to be diligent about Finn's monthly posts. It is so hard to believe that our little man is now TEN months! I feel like the transition from nine to ten months has been one of my favorites. I am also fully aware that I may say this every month from here on out. It just seems like he's really gone from being this tiny baby to a sweet, active toddler. Yes, I realize that he is not a toddler yet, but this has been the first time that I can actually picture him as a toddler *deep breath*.

Sweet boy, your sweet, spunky personality is really starting to show. You are the happiest baby I've even known and seem to smile and giggle at everything. You are now waving with your whole arm and we think it's just about the cutest thing ever. You love to wave at everything... mommy and daddy, strangers, the chipmunks in the backyard, planes, cars, the mirror, etc. The list goes on and on.

You've also started clapping. It looks more like a polite golf clap, but you do it with the biggest open mouth grin.

You are now crawling on all fours with your tummy off the ground and there is definitely no holding you back. Another one of our favorite things is when you combine clapping and crawling- by crawling for a few feet, then sitting up to clap while looking at us as if to say "I'm doing a good job, right??" You love to crawl and chase balls, blocks, the sunshine when it comes in through the window, your shadow and daddy.

We now officially have a stander. We have found you standing in your crib a couple times (usually waving at yourself in the mirror). You also like standing to play on your music table and reaching for anything and everything.

Eating. Well there's no surprise here- you still love to eat. We are working on your finger foods, and you've liked them for the most part but each meal is still a combo of finger foods and purees as you seem to get frustrated that you can't eat as quickly when chewing is involved. Some of your favorites are plums, peaches, bananas, avocados and steamed veggies.

You're talking up a storm. No real words yet (although they all seem to sound like you're saying "heeey!")

You are now up to 22 lbs and mommy can feel every bit of it in my back after a long day.

Here are some highlights from the past month:

We've gone on plenty of family ice cream dates and you finally got to try some of daddy's ice cream (sorry, mommy likes chocolate and peanut butter).

You learned how to play the drums with your toys.

 You celebrated your first 4th of July in Aiken with family and seemed pretty excited about it.

 You got your first and hopefully only picture taken on a motorcycle.

You love the swings at the park!

We go on lots of walks and this is how you like to ride.

And now for the monthly pictures- or what I can get of them. This little boy certainly does not like sitting still!

We love you more than you'll ever know, baby boy! You bring so much joy to us by just being your happy, smiling self. We are so thankful to be your mommy and daddy and consider it a blessing to watch you grow.

Camp is the week after next, so once I've had the chance to catch my breath I will be back to blogging more regularly.

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